
Private property, Nashua 2479

  • Date Sunday, 8 June 2025
  • Time 8:00 am - 12:00 pm
  • Locations Private Property, 59 Tooheys Mill Rd, Nashua 2479

BirdLife Northern Rivers - Outing

Meet: Inside the driveway of 59 Tooheys Mill Road. It is on a long driveway, so try to park near the end. If not park in one of the bays along the driveway.
Nearest toilets: On the property
Register if you intend to participate.
Notify if you have questions or if you need to cancel.

To register email NorthernRiversBL@gmail.com with your name(s) and phone number. You will be notified if there is room.

What to bring?

  • binoculars
  • something to sit on
  • morning tea and possibly lunch
  • water
  • sunscreen
  • hat and sturdy shoes
  • insect repellent

For summary of outings for 2025, CLICK HERE