Please donate to help save our songbirds!
While some robins are thankfully still relatively common, devastatingly many of our cherished native robins are struggling.
In fact, the Endangered South-eastern Hooded Robin’s population has rapidly declined by more than 50 per cent in the last decade alone.
The reason for this is sadly all too familiar – the destruction of key habitat.
Please donate today to help regenerate and protect the crucial habitat that our robins need to not only survive, but to thrive.
can help educate communities through resources, workshops, and events to increase awareness of threatened birds and share how to care for them.
can help train skilled volunteers to restore crucial habitat for native birds, such as installing coarse wooded debris and reintroducing indigenous understorey plants.
can help engage and collaborate with landholders to manage rural properties to support biodiversity.
Your donation will support the most urgent actions needed to save threatened Australian birds.
80 per cent of south-eastern Australia’s temperate woodlands have been cleared since European settlement.
Many of these precious old woodlands had complex structural diversity with a high variety of trees, shrubs and ground covers — as well as the many tree hollows, fallen branches and logs, and leaf litter needed for the plants and animals which live within the ecosystem to thrive. These woodlands form over decades and mature over centuries. And when they’re cleared, the birds which live in them often disappear forever.
Your support today can help power on-ground action to reverse population declines of our native birds.
One of our ecologists undertaking this work is Jayden Gunn, our Central NSW Woodland Birds Project Coordinator. In his words, “when we find South-eastern Hooded Robins, it is like we’ve struck gold – they’re so few and far between.”
In Jayden’s local area, through our Birds on Farms program, he has seen first-hand the importance of starting conversations with local landholders and building an increased understanding of how to care for native birds.
A landholder had unknowingly cleared an important strip of habitat along an old fence line on his property, tearing down native trees and ripping out densely layered undergrowth. Because Jayden had been monitoring the robin populations on this property, he was able to act quickly to minimise the potential impact of this substantial disruption.
Partnering with the landholder, he repurposed the cleared vegetation by transferring it to a locally important ecosystem nearby where it could lay as logs and other coarse woody debris. These salvaged trees now continue to support Hooded Robins, Red-capped Robins, and many other threatened woodland birds.
Our ecologists know what needs to be done to save our birds. We have expert strategies, and our science-based and targeted conservation actions work. But this is all powered by the support of generous people like yourself.
With large swathes of Australia’s woodlands cleared for agricultural use and the majority of what remains under private ownership, helping rural properties support biodiversity is a crucial part of saving our native birds.
Our ecologists are working with landholders and volunteers to keep track of the movements of birds and restore previously cleared land to the multi-layered native habitat it once was. They’re also engaging local communities to increase their awareness of threatened birds and the ways to protect and care for them.
Your donation can make a bird-saving difference! Together, we can ensure that future generations enjoy native forests and woodlands filled with a chorus of bird song and a magnificent rainbow of bird colours.
to increase awareness of threatened birds
to restore crucial habitat for native birds
by supporting us to engage and collaborate with landholders