
Make South Australia’s beaches safe for everyone

Take action to ensure a better, safer and more sustainable future for South Australia's beaches and their wildlife.

CR Critically Endangered (CR)

Support safe beaches for South Australia

South Australia’s beautiful beaches are under accelerating and unsustainable pressure from uncontrolled beach driving, damaging the beaches and threatening their vulnerable wildlife.

BirdLife Australia and Birds SA are calling on South Australians to stand up for safe beaches for everyone.

Sign our petition, calling on the Malinauskas Government to introduce legislation to better regulate beach driving in South Australia.



Beach-nesting Birds

Five Australian shorebirds, and many species of seabirds, rely on coastal habitats for nesting. Loss of coastal habitats and recreational pressures are taking a devastating toll.

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Australian Pied Oystercatcher

The Australian Pied Oystercatcher has black-and-white plumage, with a bright orange-red bill, eye-ring and legs; the eyes are red.

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Hooded Plover

The Hooded Plover is a medium-sized, pale brownish-grey plover. It has a black head and a white nape, and the black hindneck collar extends around and forks ont

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Threatened Small Terns

Small terns depend on both the marine and coastal terrestrial environment, foraging out at sea and roosting and nesting on nearby shores. Our smallest terns, the Little and Fairy Terns, are both vulnerable to extinction.

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