Know Your Birds Quiz
In line with this month’s bird of the month the Nankeen Kestrel, the quiz will focus entirely on Falcons. Test your Falcon knowledge with the four questions below, then check the answers at the end of this eNews. Big thanks as always to quizmaster Ash Vigus.
Question 1 (Beginner): Multiple Choice
From the four Falcon species listed below, what is thought to be the fastest animal on Earth?
1. Australian Hobby
2. Black Falcon
3. Peregrine Falcon
4. Grey Falcon
Question 2 (Intermediate): Who am I?
• I’m a medium sized raptor (approx. 30-35cm) with a wingspan of approx. 90cm.
• My colours are a steel blue/grey upper, with a black crown and cheeks. I have a white throat and neck band, and a rust-coloured belly, breast, and thighs.
• I’m a seldom seen bird but I’m found all over Australia, including Tasmania.
• I like to inhabit partially treed open woodlands and grasslands, but I can also be found in suburban parks and gardens.
• My diet consists of small birds like Swallows, Martins and Starlings. As well as flying insects, usually taken on the wing.
• I quite often re-use a nest from another raptor or a corvid.
• I’m a fast flyer with quick rapid flicking wing beats, and short glides.
• For my body size I have quite long narrow pointed wings.
Question 3 (Advanced): Image Puzzle
The bird photograph below has been scrambled. Using your bird identification skills, attempt to unpuzzle the image and identify the species. The unpuzzled image will be available with the solutions at the bottom of this eNews.
Bonus Question 4 (Obscure)
The word ‘Falcon’ has evolved from the Latin word ‘Falx’.
What does the word Falx mean? Choose from the four implements listed below.
1. Knife
2. Scissors
3. Sickle
4. Spatula |