
BirdLife Castlemaine District eNews March 2025

Tuesday, 25 February 2025

  • Estimated reading time 10 minutes

Welcome to Castlemaine District eNews!

Dear Supporter,

Welcome to our March eNews!

This month’s issue includes details of our upcoming March walk in Fryerstown, and March nature journaling. We’ve also got details of a midweek walk in March, Bird of the Month, and as always, don’t forget to test your bird knowledge with the Quiz!

March Bird Walk – Saturday 1 March – Cobblers Gully (Spring Gully), Fryerstown

Our March bird walk for 2025 will be held on Saturday 1 March at Cobblers Gully, (also known as Spring Gully), Fryerstown. Part of the Goldfield Trail running through the Castlemaine Diggings National Heritage Park, the habitat is the typical dry open forest most common in the Park. Recent sightings in the area include Common and Brush Bronzewing, Peaceful Dove, Sacred Kingfisher, Brown Goshawk, Scarlet Robin, White-browed Babbler, White-browed and Dusky Woodswallow, along with several species of Honeyeater, Thornbills and other common local species.

Our walk leader is Jane Rusden.


Please note there are no toilets at the site.

Where: We will meet at the the Cobblers Gully Track. From Castlemaine take the Pyrenees Highway (B180) toward Melbourne. Approx. 3.8KM from the Castlemaine centre, turn right onto Fryers Road, (this becomes the Vaughan-Chewton Road). Drive approx. 4.1KM and turn right onto Spring Gully Road, then drive approx. 1.1KM and turn right at the Old Coach Road. We will be about 200mtrs along this track. If coming from the west side, Spring Gully Road runs to the left off the Campbells Creek-Fryers Road, approx. 3.6KM from the Midland Hwy (A300). Drive approx. 2.8KM along Spring Gully Road and turn left at the Old Coach Road.

GPS: -37.113641, 144.241967. Google Maps link here.

When: Meet at Cobblers Gully Track at 9:00am.

Bring / wear: Water, snacks, binoculars, sunscreen, hat, long trousers, sturdy closed-in shoes.

More info: Jane Rusden 0448 900 896, Bob Dawson 0417 621 691


Midweek Bird Walk – Wednesday 19 March – Forest Creek Trail, Happy Valley (Castlemaine)

For our first midweek walk this year we are going to revisit the Forest Creek Trail, Happy Valley. This trail is a section of the Leanganook Track which is also known variously as the Happy Valley Walking Trail and the Goldfields Track depending on the information source. The track is mostly flat providing easy walking. Habitat is varied with much regeneration work also having been done by the Castlemaine Landcare Group and others. Possible sightings include various Thornbills and Honeyeaters, Pardalotes, Pied Currawong, Musk Lorikeet, Silvereye, Grey Fantail, etc. We may also come across some waterbirds in the creek.

Our walk leader is Bob Dawson.


Please note there are no toilets at the site.

Where: The trail starts at Happy Valley Rd. From the Hargraves and Forest Sts. roundabout, Happy Valley Rd is approx. 800mtrs east toward Melbourne off the Pyrenees Hwy (B180). (Note – the beginning of Happy Valley Rd is marked as Burke St on Google Maps, etc., but the street sign says Happy Valley Rd) Turn left into Happy Valley Rd, then the start of the Trail is about 250mtrs on the right.

GPS: -37.06874, 144.22776. Google Maps link here.

When: Meet at Forest Creek Trail at 9:00am.

Bring / wear: Water, snacks, binoculars, sunscreen, hat, long trousers, sturdy closed-in shoes.

More info: Jane Rusden 0448 900 896, Bob Dawson 0417 621 691

Acknowledgment of Country

BirdLife Castlemaine acknowledges the Traditional Owners of the lands we will walk, the Dja Dja Wurrung people, and we pay our respects to their Elders past and present. We recognise and are grateful for the immense contribution of Indigenous people to the knowledge and conservation of Australia’s birds.

Important Information Regarding Weather

Please note that walks will be cancelled if severe weather warnings are in place, persistent rain is forecast, the temperature is forecast to be 35C or above during the walk period, a Total Fire Ban is declared, or some other safety issue is identified. Please check our Facebook page or email castlemaine@birdlife.org.au the day before the event in case there is a cancellation.

Nature Journaling with BirdLife Castlemaine District

Nature Journaling is close to town for March, in Campbells Creek, exploring nature and recording what you observe. Led by artist and bird nut, Jane Rusden. No experience is necessary and beginners are very welcome.

What to bring / wear:

– Wear long trousers, long sleeve shirt and sturdy shoes, for sun and snake protection, and a sunhat. Please note we will be on rough bush tracks, occasionally off track and will walk up to a few hundred meters, possibly carrying your art materials.

– A small selection of art materials such as paints, pencils, pens, coloured pencils, pastels, paper, water container if applicable, camera or phone and binoculars if you have them. A bag to put it all in.

– Something to sit on, such as a camp chair or rug.

– Water and snacks.

– Your sense of curiosity.

When and where: Sunday 2 March from 9:30am – 11:30am. Hawkins Rd, Campbells Creek. Parking 250m past Arthur’s Track.

GPS: -37.1043564, 144.2208086

Bird food! A beetle of Genus Ecnolagria in Campbells Creek. Watercolour and coloured pencil, by Jane Rusden.

February Walk Wrap-up

Our first walk for 2025 took place on Saturday 1 February at the Red, White and Blue Mine, Muckleford, preceded by Breakfast with the Birds.

It was a hot morning but despite that, 16 species were identified and a particular highlight was a White-throated Needletail spotted in flight.

The full list of birds seen or heard can be found here.

Many thanks to Jenny and Euan for leading the walk.

Bird of the Month – Jacky Winter

Bird identification can be very tricky, as you will know. Jane thought she’d photographed a Jacky Winter and had put this photo in the Bird of the Month article, all about Jacky Winters. Turns out, that whilst the colouring is about right, the bill has a slight hook on the tip which means it’s a female Hooded Robin.

Read more about Jacky Winters here.


Female Hooded Robin. Photo by Jane Rusden.


Know Your Birds Quiz

Test your bird knowledge in this month’s quiz with the questions below, then check the answers at the end of this eNews. Big thanks as always to quizmaster Ash Vigus.

Question 1 (Easy): Multiple Choice

From the following list of Australian Robins and Flycatchers, which two species are members of the Feathered Five group of Birdlife Castlemaine district mascots?

1. Eastern Yellow Robin
2. Scarlet Robin
3. Leaden Flycatcher
4. Jacky Winter
5. Restless Flycatcher
6. Hooded Robin

Question 2 (Intermediate): Spot the Feathers

All four bird species pictured below are found in the Castlemaine district; what do you think these four birds are?

Question 3 (Advanced): Who Am I?

• I’m a medium sized bird, approximately 32 to 36 centimetres in length.
• I’m found in every Australian state and territory.
• My diet consists mostly of seeds and other vegetable matter. I prefer to feed on the ground, usually in pairs or small parties, and I’m never far from water.
• I’m found across a variety of habitat types, including forests, woodland, scrublands, coastal heathlands, suburban gardens, and alpine woodlands in the summer months.
• My nest is an untidy nest of sticks and twigs. It is normally placed low down in a tree or bush, but it may be positioned up to 20 metres above the ground.
• I’m a cautious bird that rarely allows a close approach. If startled, I will fly away with a clatter, keeping low to the ground while moving in a steady, direct manner.
• I have a plump rounded body with a small head. My plumage colours are buff brown upperparts with detailed scalloping on the wings, and grey underparts with a pink tinge. The male has a yellow-white forehead. Both sexes have a clear white line below and around the eye.
• I have distinctive metallic patches of green, blue and red on the outer feathers of my wings.

Follow us on Facebook

We have a BirdLife Castlemaine District Facebook page. Follow us for all the latest bird news and events.

Become a Member

Membership of BirdLife Australia is a great way to support a bright future for Australia’s birds – and it would also make a perfect gift for a bird-lover! Learn more about membership or other ways to get involved here.

Kind regards,

The BirdLife Castlemaine Committee

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Activities Calendar March – May 2025 (please note details may change so keep an eye on the eNews)

Saturday 1 March – Bird Walk
Cobblers Gully, Fryerstown
Leader: Jane Rusden

Sunday 2 March – Nature Journaling
Hawkins Rd, Campbells Creek
Leader: Jane Rusden

Wednesday 19 March – Midweek Bird Walk
Location: Forest Creek Trail, Happy Valley
Leader: Bob Dawson

Saturday 5 April – Bird Walk
Location: Glenlyon Community Dam and Biolink Walk
Leaders: Nina Tsilikas and Giles Daubeney

Sunday 6 April – Nature Journaling
Location: Herons Reef, Fryerstown
Leader: Jane Rusden


Saturday 3 May – Bird Walk
Location: Malmsbury Botanic Gardens and Coliban Channel Track
Leader: Bob Dawson

Sunday 4 May – Nature Journaling
Location: Quince Trees, Muckleford Conservation Reserve, Gower
Leader: Jane Rusden

Saturday 17 May – Rainbow Bird Walk
Location: Campbells Creek
In partnership with Castlemaine Pride and Connecting Country

Friday 23 to Sunday 25 May – Nature Journaling Camp
Location: Wedderburn (Private Property)
Leader: Jane Rusden


Quiz Answers

Question 1: The Jacky Winter and Hooded Robin are both members of the Feathered Five.

Question 2: Clockwise from top left – Eastern Yellow Robin, Scarlet Robin, Jacky Winter, Brown Treecreeper.

Question 3: Common Bronzewing.

BirdLife Australia, BirdLife Victoria Group, 60 Leicester Street, Carlton, VIC 3053  | castlemaine@birdlife.org.au