
Hooded Robin

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Habitat: Woodland


Hooded Robins are found in lightly timbered woodland, mainly dominated by acacia and/or eucalypts.


Being a shy and unobtrusive species, Hooded Robins are often rather quiet during the day, especially in the afternoon, but are one of the first birds to call in the morning, when they vigorously add their far-carrying song to the dawn chorus. Their seasonal movements are not well known but they are believed to be sedentary.


The Hooded Robin sits on exposed perches, such as dead branches and stumps and pounces on arthropods (mainly insects). It forages on or near the ground.


The Hooded Robin breeds in monogamous pairs. They construct a cup-shaped nest of leaves and bark, bound with spider’s web, and placed in a crevice, hollow, or hole in a tree or stump. The clutch size is 2 to 3 eggs, sometimes 1 egg. The female incubates the eggs (15 days). Hooded Robins may have ‘helpers’ at their nest: other members of the group that help feed the nestlings and fledglings. the nestling period is for 13 days. Breeding season is August to November.