
Fellowship of BirdLife Australia

Nominations close on 1 November annually, if positions are available.

About Fellowship of BirdLife Australia

Being made a Fellow of BirdLife Australia is a formal acknowledgment that a person has made a distinguished contribution to the discipline of ornithology in Australasia through the organisation, either directly through ornithological research or in other, related, evidence-based, scientific disciplines.

This distinction is a Constitutional Award and is limited to only twenty recipients at any one time or as determined by the Board.

The award will be made on individual merit and if positions are available.

How to apply

Please download and complete the Fellows Nomination Form provided below. Once you have finished, please attach it to the submission form  located at the bottom of this page.

Nominations are to be made by a majority of Fellows, or by at least ten financial members of BirdLife Australia.

Nominations, providing evidence meeting the selection criteria, together with supporting documentation specifying the grounds for the nomination, are to be submitted to the Research & Conservation Committee’s Scientific Awards Sub-Committee for consideration by RACC at the February RACC meeting.

Fellows will be elected by members at the following AGM.

fellows-nomination-form (DOCX - 66 KB)

Fellows Nomination Form

Selection criteria

A Fellow will be expected to have demonstrated leadership in fulfilling the goals of BirdLife Australia to advance the knowledge and conservation of native birds, and achieved all or some of the following:

  • A contribution that has advanced the effectiveness of BirdLife Australia in delivering services to the organisation through the science of ornithology
  • Work that has a significant implication for the discipline of ornithology in Australasia
  • A high level of national status/recognition within the ornithological community to achieve nomination from existing Fellows
  • A high standing in the individual’s chosen discipline (national or international)
  • An extensive publication record that is highly referenced within the academic/professional community
  • An individual whose work is a reflection of the BirdLife Australia culture
  • An individual whose contribution has been made over a significant period of time
Current Fellows

Dr Barry Baker
Dr Mike Bamford
Professor Kate Buchanan
Dr Allan Burbidge
Emeritus Professor Mike Clarke
Sid Cowling
Dr Peter Dann
Professor Hugh Ford
Professor Stephen Garnett
Dr Philip Moors AO
Dr Mike Newman
Assoc. Prof. Penny Olsen AM

Fellows Submission

Please attach your Fellows Nomination Form here. Nominations, evidencing the selection criteria and with supporting documentation specifying the grounds for the nomination, are to be submitted to the Research & Conservation Committee’s Scientific Awards Sub-Committee by 1 November for consideration by RACC at the February RACC meeting.

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