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Habitat: Woodland, Heathland, Wetland, Coastal, Grassland, Desert

Budgerigars are nomadic and large flocks of birds can be seen in most open habitat types, but seldom far from water. Very large flocks, numbering occasionally in the tens of thousands, are seen after a season of abundant rainfall and food. Flocks are usually much smaller, however, and range from as few as three birds up to 100 or more. Birds in a flock fly in a characteristic undulating manner.

Budgerigars feed almost entirely on seeds, which supply virtually no moisture, so they need to drink fresh water every day to survive. Part of their daily routine is to congregate at waterholes or tanks with other seed-eating birds, such as pigeons, finches and other parrots. Some Budgies hover above the water to drink, and a few may even settle on the water’s surface. So regular are these daily movements, that explorers sometimes followed Budgies because they knew they would lead them to water.

Budgerigars feed almost only on the seeds of native herbs and grasses, such as porcupine grass and saltbush. Seeds are mostly eaten from the ground and the bulk of drinking and feeding activity is in the morning.

Budgerigars tend to breed in response to rainfall, and may produce several broods if conditions permit. The nest is a bare cavity in a suitable tree branch or in the trunk. The female sits on the round white eggs. The clutch size is 6 to 8 eggs, the nestling period is 35 days. Breeding season is any time of the year when conditions are suitable.