
Eastern Rosella

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Habitat: Woodland, Urban, Grassland


The Eastern Rosella is found in open woodlands, grasslands, farmlands and remnant bushland. Often found in urban habitats such as parks, gardens and golf courses, and common along watercourses in drier inland parts of its range.


Eastern Rosellas may damage fruit and other crops, and have been trapped for the aviculture trade in large numbers.


The Eastern Rosella mainly feeds on the ground, especially amongst grasses in lawns, pastures and other clearings. Also feeds in trees and bushes. Main dietary items include: seeds, fruits, buds, flowers, nectar and insects.

The Eastern Rosella uses one of its feet (usually the right foot) to hold food when eating on the ground or perched on a tree.


Eastern Rosellas mate for life. The female chooses and prepares the nesting site, usually a hollow in a eucalypt tree (but will sometimes use a nest-box or other artificial site). Eggs are laid on a decayed wood bed and the female incubates the eggs while the male regularly feeds her. The young may be fed for a while after they fledge.