
Little Lorikeet

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Habitat: Woodland, Forest


Little Lorikeets mainly inhabit dry, open sclerophyll forests and woodlands, usually dominated by tall eucalypts, especially box–ironbark species including White Box and Yellow Box, where they forage in the canopy of flowering trees. They also sometimes occur in mallee associations, and forests vegetated with trees similar to eucalypts, such as bloodwoods and Angophora. They may also feed in flowering paperbarks, mistletoes or grass-trees when the eucalypts are not in flower, but they apparently ignore flowering banksias. Little Lorikeets sometimes occur in logged forests and remnant patches of open forest, and also in open parkland and gardens in urban areas.


A gregarious species, the Little Lorikeet is usually seen in small flocks and often occurs with Rainbow, Musk and Purple-crowned Lorikeets.


When feeding, Little Lorikeets are agile and acrobatic, clambering through the foliage, and often hanging upside down to reach blossoms.


The Little Lorikeet nests in holes in tree limbs or in the main trunk of a tree, in for example, River Red Gums, Eucalyptus camaldulensis, Flooded Gums, E. grandis, or River Oaks, Casuarina cunninghamiana. The eggs are lain on decayed wood in the tree hollow. Both members of a pair clean out the hollow, but only the female does the incubation. However, the male roosts in the hollow at night and sometimes during the day.