
Private Property, near Byron Bay

  • Date Sunday, 12 October 2025
  • Time 8:00 am - 12:00 pm
  • Locations Private Property, near Byron Bay

BirdLife Northern Rivers - Outing

Meet: Travel down McGettigans Lae all the way, then left o Balraith Lane to the Rudolf Steiner School. The property gate is just down the road from the school’s parking area. If the gate is shut, wait until it is unlocked, otherwise continue along the main driveway, which will veer uphill to the right. Park by the bamboo groves on the left of the driveway.

Nearest toilets: onsite, though requiring a walk.
Register if you intend to participate.
Notify if you have questions or if you need to cancel.

To register email NorthernRiversBL@gmail.com with your name(s) and phone number. You will be notified if there is room.

You will also then be sent maps of and directions to the location. We do this in order to maintain the privacy and security of the property as requested.

What to bring?

  • binoculars
  • something to sit on
  • morning tea and possibly lunch
  • water
  • sunscreen
  • hat and sturdy shoes
  • insect repellent

Special note:
If you are recording any species lists or doing social media on the event, please do not mention the address nor locale. The owners, fairly enough, want to keep their privacy secure.

Click here for pdf with outing details 

For summary of outings for 2025, CLICK HERE