
BirdLife WA - Surveys - Wheatbelt Bird Surveys

  • Date and time Ongoing
  • Locations Wheatbelt, Kondinin


Wheatbelt Bird Surveys

Wheatbelt Bird Survey Overview
BirdLife WA’s Wheatbelt Bird Survey is the first-of-a-kind citizen science project to be rolled out in WA’s Wheatbelt area. Powered by volunteers interested in understanding bird populations, this survey explores how native Western Australian bird species are adapting—or struggling—to survive in remnant bushland habitats within an agricultural landscape.

Key Features of the Project

  • Regional Scope: The survey is ramping up to establish up to 60 study sites across the Wheatbelt region, stretching from Wongan Hills to Hyden.
  • Site Selection: Maris Lauva has played a pivotal role in identifying the survey locations to ensure they represent diverse habitats and conditions.
  • First Base: Merredin will serve as the project’s initial headquarters, offering a base of operations for participants.

Day Visitor-Friendly
This project is designed to be accessible to a wide range of volunteers:

  • 2WD Accessible: Volunteers can access survey locations with standard vehicles, removing the need for specialized transportation.
  • Who is this for? Whether you are local or looking to enjoy a weekend away, enjoy more of the Wheatbelt bushland by heading out to the designated locations to survey birds.
  • All sites are accessible for day trips, with no overnight camping stays required.

Purpose-Driven Days Out
When you participate in the Wheatbelt Bird Survey, you will be engaging in birding with a purpose, contributing valuable data to a long-term study of avian adaptation and habitat health in the Wheatbelt. Observations and survey results can be easily submitted via the BirdData app to ensure seamless data collection and sharing.

Long-Term Vision
The Wheatbelt Bird Survey is a 10-year project, aiming to build a comprehensive understanding of how birds interact with changing environments over time. The data collected will help guide conservation efforts and improve outcomes for bird species across the region.

Join the Wheatbelt Bird Survey and make a difference for WA’s birdlife!

Find out where the survey sites are with maps and precise locations (currently Merredin, Wongan Hills and Kondinin):

Click here for information.

How to survey:
Learn about the simple steps on how to survey when looking at the information in the location folders above.

What to pack:

  • Plenty of water
  • Binoculars

What to wear:

  • All year: Sturdy shoes
  • Be snake aware.
  • In the summer, sun hat, long sleeved tops and bottoms, sun hat, sun cream
  • In winter, do take wet weather gear.

Best times to go:
Early morning or later in the afternoon.

Happy Birding!

And please consider joining the private Wheatbelt Bird Surveys Facebook Group for more information here.

Getting there

Please follow links provided to find out more about the exact locations.