Friday, 28 February 2025
VICTORIA: BirdLife Australia is deeply concerned by the Victorian Game Management Authority’s (GMA) decision to extend this year’s duck hunting season while introducing a higher daily bag limit, putting vulnerable waterbirds and wetlands at greater risk.
Bag limits and season length were both increased this year, with the GMA citing evidence that game-bird numbers are on the rise. However, longer-term data continues to demonstrate the concerning trend of overall Australian waterbird decline, including ducks. The Eastern Australian Waterbird Survey, an independent survey conducted annually by experts at the University of New South Wales, shows waterbird populations have declined as much as 90% over the last forty years in eastern Australia.
“A longer, deadlier duck hunting season in Victoria while Australia’s waterbird numbers decline is unacceptable,” said BirdLife Australia CEO Kate Millar. “In Victoria, South Australia and Tasmania, the only states where duck-hunting is still permitted, accidental shootings of threatened birds, disturbances to their habitats and interruptions to critical breeding behaviours, are totally at odds with Government responsibilities to protect wildlife.”
A recent dry period across eastern Australia has reduced the number of suitable wetlands available to waterbirds this season, resulting in fewer suitable habitat areas available as refuge for threatened birds.
Adding to BirdLife Australia’s concerns this year is the potential arrival of H5 bird flu in Australia, a risk the Federal Government has acknowledged with a $95m response package. Waterbirds are particularly vulnerable to the virus and ensuring populations of wild birds are as healthy as possible will be critical to helping them withstand a future outbreak.
BirdLife Australia says at a minimum the Victorian Government must undertake a full, robust and reliable survey program to ensure protected birds and threatened bird communities are safely accommodated during this year’s period of reduced wetland availability.
Last year, 34 Victorian wetlands were closed to hunting following documentation of threatened birds such as the freckled duck above government thresholds, with Birdlife Australia’s own monitoring teams holding government to account at several sites where threatened species were missed in the official monitoring.
“While closing some wetlands in 2024 potentially saved thousands of protected ducks from being shot, increasing the bag limits and extending this year’s season, especially given the dryer conditions, is a massive step backward,” said Ms Millar.
“Our monitoring teams will be returning to the wetlands this year to supplement the official surveys and we’ll be doing all we can to make sure it’s well understood which wetlands are being used by threatened birds.”
BirdLife Australia is calling for Governments to recognise the value of year-round bird-tourism opportunities and to invest in the activity to support regional areas. “Bird-tourism brings $2.6 billion dollars into the Australian economy each year. But while the hunt is on, these wetlands are closed to everyone without a hunting licence. Australia’s regional areas deserve to have their natural assets and wildlife protected for future generations to enjoy and share with the world,” Ms Millar said.
“We’re calling for an end to Australian duck hunting once and for all. With Australia’s waterbirds facing an increasing number of threats, these hunts need to be called off, not scaled up.”
In 2023, the Victorian Parliament’s Select Committee on Victoria’s Recreational Native Bird Hunting Arrangements recommended banning duck hunting, after a record number of submissions from Victorians. Despite strong support for a ban, the Allen Government in Victoria continues to allow the practice.
BirdLife Australia Media Enquiries: Please contact James Johnson on 0423 659 324 or at
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