Your donation will help support urgent action to save Australian birds facing extinction.
Our team of scientists and educators are doing incredible work protecting Australia’s most threatened birds. This ongoing work is only possible thanks to donations by bird lovers like you.
Donate today to save our threatened Australian birds.
Your donation will support urgent action to save Australian birds facing extinction. All donations of $2 or more are tax deductible in Australia.
can help expand our vital monitoring of shorebirds to reach all ends of Australia and identify key sites in need of protection.
will help us to collaborate with communities to work alongside each other to conserve shorebird habitat.
will help protect vital habitats that migratory birds rely on to build their resilience to impending threats like avian influenza and climate change.
When you leave a gift in your Will to BirdLife Australia, you’re leaving behind a legacy for birds and future generations.
If your loved one was a bird lover, consider celebrating their life with a gift in their memory to BirdLife Australia.
Make a monthly donation to help save threatened birds like the Swift Parrot.
Organise a fundraising event or activity in your community and help save Australia’s native birds.