When flying high overhead, a flock of White-browed Woodswallows often sounds remarkably like a flock of House Sparrows. This calling may serve to attract attention to the birds when they are flying so high that they are barely visible. Such flocks may number thousands of birds, and may form in response to an abundance of food, but more often they comprise birds on the move: the species undertakes regular seasonal movements, being a summer breeding visitor in south-eastern Australia, and a winter visitor to northern and inland regions.
The White-browed Woodswallow is a dark bird with a distinctive white eyebrow. The face and chin are black, the upperparts are deep blue grey and the lower breast to undertail is a rich chestnut brown. The underwings and undertail are pale whitish-grey, with white tail tips. Females are duller than males, with a browner body and pink to fawn underparts. Young birds are mainly brown, mottled and streaked buff to cream, and lack the white brow. This species is colonial and travels in large flocks that roost together in tight clusters.
Musical: ‘chep, chep’; also soft chattering, harsh scoldings and some mimicry. Bird call recorded by: Marc Anderson
The White-browed Woodswallow is widespread throughout eastern Australia, with some vagrants to northern Tasmania. It is not found on Cape York Peninsula and is only irregularly found in Western Australia.
Habitat: Woodland, Heathland, Forest, Urban
The White-browed Woodswallow is found in a wide range of inland habitats, from eucalypt forests and woodlands to dry heaths and spinifex. It can also be found in farmlands, orchards and towns.
Woodswalllows roost together in tight clusters at night, as well as during cold weather and storms.
The White-browed Woodswallow eats insects, catching them on the wing or foraging in foliage or on the ground. Like other woodswallows, this species has a divided, brush-tipped tongue that can be used to feed on nectar from flowers.
The White-browed Woodswallow builds a loose shallow nest from twigs, grasses and roots, which is placed in a tree fork, hollow stump or fence post, about 1 m to 6 m above the ground. Both sexes build the nest, incubate the eggs and feed the young.