Also known as the Parson Finch, the Black-throated Finch is found in grassy woodlands in the north-east of Australia. This is a protected species, with the Southern Black-throated Finch suffering population decline because of development disrupting its habitat.
The Black-throated Finch has a bluish-grey head with a short black stripe from the base of the bill to the eye. The chin, throat and upper breast is black. The back is rufous-brown and the rump is black. In the northern subspecies, the tail is wholly black, but in the southern subspecies, the base of the tail is white, with the remainder black. The lower breast and belly are pinkish-brown; there is a black stripe extending across the flanks, and the undertail coverts and undertail are white. The wings are dark brown above and dull rufous-brown below. The bill is black and the eyes are dark reddish-brown.
Songs and Calls
“Pew” with a faint “chuk” at the end. Bird call recorded by: Marc Anderson
The Black-throated Finch now occurs only in Queensland. Once found in north-eastern NSW, it was last recorded in 1994 and is now thought to be extinct there. The northern subspecies occurs in north Queensland, on the Cape York Peninsula, extending into parts of the Gulf Country, and the southern subspecies is recorded at a few scattered sites, near Townsville and in the Galilee Basin of Central Queensland. It is estimated that in recent decades, its population has declined to around 20% of its former size.
Habitat: Woodland, Grassland
Black-throated Finches inhabit dry grasslands and dry, open woodlands dominated by eucalypts, paperbarks or acacias with a dense grassy ground cover. They are often located along watercourses or drainage lines. In northern Australia, they occur where there is a mosaic of different habitats in which to find seed during the wet season.
Black-throated Finches forage on the ground of open grassy woodlands, sometimes in the company of other finches. They are often in pairs, or flocks up to 20–30 (but rarely in flocks of hundreds). These small flocks are very social – drinking, bathing, flying and resting together, often lining up and huddling on dead branches several times a day. They forage actively, hopping over the ground, and occasionally fly for insects. Flight when disturbed is usually rapid, low and direct.
Black-throated Finches usually forage on fallen seeds of native grasses from open ground. They also pluck seeds directly from seedheads, reaching up to pluck them or perching on the stem to weigh it down to the ground, where the seeds are removed. They also occasionally take insects, especially during the breeding season.
The domed nest is woven from grass stems and has a side entrance. It is lined with soft seedheads, plant down and feathers, and is usually placed in the outermost twigs of trees or shrubs. Occasionally, nests are located in the base of the stick nest of a raptor, while others use old nests of babblers or other finches. Black-throated Finches usually lay 5 or 6 white eggs. Both sexes incubate the eggs and feed the nestlings.