
Pacific Baza

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Habitat: Grassland, Woodland, Rainforest, Urban, Forest


Pacific Bazas are found in tropical and subtropical woodlands and forest and sometimes grasslands, farmlands and urban areas. They prefer well-watered areas.


The Pacific Baza has golden-yellow, domed eyes which are placed on the sides of its head. This gives it excellent side vision, useful for finding mantids among the leaves. Little is known of their movements; they are considered sedentary in some regions and dispersive or migratory in others.


The Pacific Baza’s favourite prey is large insects, particularly stick insects and mantids, and frogs. They sometimes eat fruit as well. Bazas will move through the canopy, or perch and watch, then make short dives, with feet extended, to snatch prey from the foliage or from the air.


The Pacific Baza builds a flimsy flat nest of sticks, which is placed high in the upper leafy branches of a tree. Often the nest blows down. They are very secretive when breeding and the parent sits quietly on the nest, with its long tail sticking out over the rim. Both parents brood and feed the chicks. Bazas have a spectacular tumbling display flight during courtship.