
Southern Whiteface

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Habitat: Woodland, Forest


Dry open forests and woodland and inland scrubs of mallee, mulga and saltbush are the preferred habitat of Southern Whiteface, especially areas with fallen timber or dead trees and stumps.


The Southern Whiteface forages in groups of 10-15 (or larger!) and mixes with other feeding species such as Yellow-rumped Thornbills, covering ground in short half-hops, one foot in front of the other, picking up food as they go.


Feeding mainly on insects and spiders, the Southern Whiteface forages on the ground and low in shrubbery where they may also take seeds and leaves.


In breeding season (June to December, but inland breeding time is influenced by rainfall), the Southern Whiteface builds an untidy domed nest of grass, rootlets and bark. Nests are built in a hollow limb, stump or fence post or in the foliage of shrubs and small trees, in sheds or in nest- boxes. The clutch size is 2-5 eggs, usually 3-4. The incubation period is 20 days.