
BirdLife WA - Walk - Lake Monger

  • Date Wednesday, 14 August 2024
  • Time 8:00 am
  • Locations Lake Monger


Half-day excursion

The walk around the lake will take 2-3 hours. This is a good opportunity to see many species of ducks, waterbirds, and some bush birds. There are resident Purple-backed fairy-wrens that are often seen.

Bring a chair and morning tea to have while we do a combined bird list.
For BLWA members and their guests.
Members of the public are welcome to join the walk and are advised to bring a pair of binoculars.

Leader: Betty Bryant

Getting there

Meet at 8.00am at the car park opposite the Telethon Speech and Hearing Centre, 36 Dodd Street Wembley, on the northern side of the lake.