
BirdLife Castlemaine District Calendar 2020

Wednesday, 1 January 2020

  • Estimated reading time 5 minutes

All levels of experience are welcome – the walks are a great chance to learn from and have fun with fellow birdwatchers. Full details about the walk time, location, what to bring, walk duration, birds we expect to see, etc. will be sent to our email mailing list and posted on the BirdLife Castlemaine District Facebook page and included in our eNews in the lead up to each walk.  Become a BirdLife member http://birdlife.org.au/support-us/join-us/ to subscribe to our mailing list, or email castlemaine@birdlife.org.au.

Standard things to bring along to each walk include water, snacks, binoculars, hat, sunscreen, sturdy shoes, long pants during snake season, and other weather-appropriate gear.

Walks will be cancelled if, during the walk period, the temperature is forecast to be 35 degrees or more; severe weather warnings are in place; persistent rain is forecast; or if the day has been declared a Total Fire Ban day. Please check your email on the evening before a walk/activity to find out if the event has been cancelled.

For more information, please email castlemaine@birdlife.org.au or call or text Judy Hopley (0425 768 559) or Asha Bannon (0418 428 721).


Note:  Location of bird walks may change depending on weather and other factors.  Any changes will be notified in the eNews distributed one week before each walk.


January 4 Leader: Tanya Loos

Location: Wombat State Forest

February 1 Leader: Peter and Rosemary Turner

Location: Warburtons Bridge, Glenluce

Preceded by Breakfast with the birds

March 7 Leader: Damian Kelly

Location: Mount Tarrengower West

Followed by BirdLife Castlemaine District Branch AGM

April 4 Leader: Cheryl Taylor and Ron Westcott

Location: Rise and Shine Nature Reserve, Sandon

May 2 Leader: Damian Kelly

Location: Elphinstone

Joint walk with Elphinstone Land Management Association (ELMA)

June 6 Leader: Clodagh Norwood

Location: Fryerstown

July 4 Leader: Jane Rusden

Location: Campbells Creek

August 1 Leader: Andrew Skeoch

Location: Private property in Strangways

September 5 Leaders: Carol Barker

Location: Green Gully

October 3 Leader: Sue Boekel

Location: Muckleford Forest Newstead: Mia Mia Track /South German Track

November 7 Leader: Jenny Rolland and Euan Moore

Location: Gowar Forest

December 5 Leaders: Jane Mitchell and Kerrie Jennings

Location: Shelbourne

Followed by end-of-year morning tea


In addition to the above bird walks, BirdLife Castlemaine District intends to hold the following workshops in 2020. 

Full details, together with date and time, will be advertised to members via our eNews and Facebook page.


  1.  Print making workshop
  2.  Birdata app workshop
  3.  Bird identification workshop