
BirdLife Castlemaine District Calendar 2022

Monday, 31 January 2022

  • Estimated reading time 5 minutes

All levels of experience welcome – walks are a great chance to learn from and have fun with fellow birdwatchers. Full details about each walk will be posted on the BirdLife Castlemaine District Facebook page and included in our eNews prior to each walk.

Walks will be cancelled if, during the walk period, severe weather warnings are in place; temperatures over 35oC or persistent rain is forecast; a Total Fire Ban has been declared for the day. Please check our Facebook page on the evening before a walk, in case the event has been cancelled.

For more information, please email castlemaine@birdlife.org.au or call/text Jane Rusden 0448 900 896, Judy Hopley (0425 768 559) or Bob Dawson (0417 621 691).

Please also note that all walks or other activities will need to follow all Victorian Government Covid-19 restrictions and recommendations and will only go ahead if the restrictions permit.


February 5 Leader: Jane Rusden

Location: Holcombe Scenic Reserve, Glenlyon

Preceded by Breakfast with the birds

March 5 Leader: Damian Kelly

Location: Mt Barker Channel, Sutton Grange

April 2 Leaders: Jennifer Rolland and Euan Moore

Location: Coliban Main Channel, Taradale

May 7 Leader: Tanya Loos

Location: Wombat Forest

June 4 Leader: Jane Rusden, Bob Dawson

Location: Fryerstown

Followed by BirdLife Castlemaine District Branch AGM

July 2 Leader: Bob Dawson, Coliban Water Staff

Location: Bendigo Water Reclamation Plant, Epsom

Please register for this walk as a restriction of 40 people will apply. Email your desire to attend to bobadawson@hotmail.com or text to 0417621691.

August 6 Leader: Andrew Skeoch

Location: Private property in Strangways

September 3 Leaders: David Hewett

Location: Crusoe Reservoir, Bendigo



Weekend Bird Camp – Hattah-Kulkyne National Park


October 1 Leaders: Cheryl Taylor and Ron Westcott

Location: Rise and Shine Nature Reserve, Sandon

November 5 Leaders: Peter and Rosemary Turner

Location: Warburton’s Bridge, Glenluce

December 3 Leader: TBA

Location: TBA

Followed by end-of-year morning tea