
BirdLife Castlemaine District eNews April 2020

Tuesday, 31 March 2020

  • Estimated reading time 10 minutes

Welcome to Castlemaine District eNews!

Dear Supporter,

Welcome to the April 2020 eNews. We have some important information about bird walks, read about our recent AGM, and meet our Bird of the Month!

Bird Walks

You will be well aware of the health threats for all of us from the rapid spread of COVID-19 virus, and the Federal and State Governments’ requirements that we practice “social distancing”, restrict gatherings severely and avoid non-essential travel.
The Committee has decided that for the time being, all BirdLife Castlemaine District Branch bird walks will be cancelled. We thank the bird walk leaders who have had their walks cancelled for their understanding and hope we can call on them again when it is safe to do so.  The Committee will continue to meet via videoconferencing and email.

However, we can still enjoy nature especially during this fine autumn weather, and we encourage you to record your observations of birds in your backyard and take photographs of special sightings.  Online workshops are in the planning stage with Connecting Country and we hope that they will be available during the year.

Watch out for our eNews and emails for other ways in which we can all enjoy our love of birds through the challenging months ahead.

2020 Annual General Meeting

The 2020 Annual General Meeting (AGM) of BirdLife Castlemaine District Branch took place on Saturday 7 March.

We had a record turnout for the AGM. We are delighted to welcome back the previous Committee members who renominated, and extend a very warm welcome to our six new Committee members.

Bird of the Month

Bird of the Month is the elusive, but relatively common, Australian Owlet-nightjar. These gorgeous little nocturnal birds are neither Nightjar nor Owl, look like a possum, hunt insects and love to eat spiders.

Please click here to enjoy reading about these delightful birds on the Connecting Country blog.

Photo: Jane Rusden

BirdLife Resources

There are some great resources available for download on the BirdLife website, covering a range of topics including how to choose binoculars, birdwatching tips, nest boxes and lots more. Simply visit the website and click on the ‘Info Sheets’ dropdown list near the bottom right corner of the homepage.

Follow us on Facebook

We now have a BirdLife Castlemaine District Facebook page. Follow us for all the latest bird news and events.

Become a Member

Membership of BirdLife Australia is a great way to support a bright future for Australia’s birds. Learn more about membership or other ways to get involved here.

Kind regards,

The BirdLife Castlemaine Committee

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BirdLife Australia, BirdLife Victoria Group, 60 Leicester Street, Carlton, VIC 3053  | castlemaine@birdlife.org.au