
BirdLife Castlemaine District eNews August 2019

Tuesday, 30 July 2019

  • Estimated reading time 5 minutes

Bird Walk August

Event Date: 03/08/2019

Event Time: 9.30 am – 1.00 pm

Where: Lakeys Road and Railway line walk, Shelbourne (approx. 14kms north of Maldon)

We’re going searching for Hooded Robins! One of Connecting Country’s special “Feathered Five”. They have been seen along this walk route in Shelbourne relatively often in the past. Locals Jane Mitchell, Kerri Peacoulakis and Kerrie Jennings will lead the walk with Asha Bannon.

We will do our regular 20 minute 2 hectare survey using the Birdata app. We will be near one of Connecting Country’s monitoring sites in the Blue Hills. We may also walk along the railway line in a southerly direction on the edge of the Blue Hills.

As well as the walk, all are invited to have a look at the successful direct seeding on Kerri and Tus’ property nearby, which is growing well and providing habitat for the Hooded Robins and other woodland birds. After the walk, please bring your picnic lunch and join us on the veranda at Jane’s place at 1355 Shelbourne Rd Shelbourne – Jane will put the kettle on!

Carpool: For those who would like to carpool, meet outside Castlemaine Community House (previously Continuing Ed.) Templeton Street, Castlemaine at 8:45am.


Meet at the start of the walk at 9:30am.

Directions: Park next to the disused Shelbourne/Maldon branch railway line along Lakeys Road in Shelbourne (soon after the dip in the road). Look out for the walk leaders who will be waiting at the parking spot – call 0418 428 721 if you get lost.

Safety and other info: The walk is approx. 4km along an easy track. Please bring binoculars, water, snacks, weather-appropriate clothing, and wear sturdy shoes and long pants during snake season. The walk will be cancelled if the temperature is forecast to be 35 degrees or above during the time of the walk, severe weather warnings are forecast, or if the day has been declared at Total Fire Ban.

Further information: castlemaine@birdlife.org.au or Asha Bannon, BirdLife Castlemaine District bird walk’s coordinator 0418 428 721.