Tuesday, 28 January 2020
Dear Supporter,
Welcome to our February 2020 eNews.
February Bird Walk
Saturday 1 February – Warburtons Bridge, Glenluce
Our next walk takes us to Warburtons Bridge, Glenluce. The walk will be preceded by “Breakfast with the Birds” at the Warburtons Bridge picnic ground on the Loddon River.
Please bring food to share, your own drinks, cutlery etc. Breakfast will commence at 8:30am followed by a walk of approximately 1km. Birds that may be seen include Brown Treecreeper, White-browed Scrubwren, Eastern Yellow Robin and various Honeyeaters. Unusual sightings at this area have included Brown Quail and Spotted Quail Thrush.
There is a toilet at the camping ground.
Location and directions: Warburtons Bridge is located on the Drummond-Vaughan Road, Glenluce. Coming from Castlemaine, travel to the destination via Chewton and Fryerstown on the Vaughan-Chewton Road. At 3.1km past Fryerstown turn left onto the Drummond-Vaughan Road. Warburtons Bridge is on the left, approximately 1.8km from this turnoff.
Time: Meet at the destination at 8:15am, or to carpool from Castlemaine meet at 8:00am outside Castlemaine Community House (formerly Continuing Ed), Templeton Street.
Important information about walks: Bring water, snacks, binoculars, hat, sunscreen, insect repellent, sturdy shoes, long pants during snake season, and other weather-appropriate gear.
Walks will be cancelled if the temperature is forecast to be 35 degrees or more during the walk period, severe weather warnings are in place, persistent rain is forecast, or if the day has been declared a Total Fire Ban day.
Please note: The weather forecast for this Saturday 1 February keeps changing and currently heat, rain and thunderstorms are being predicted. We’ll continue monitoring the forecast, so please check your email or BirdLife Castlemaine’s Facebook page on the evening before the walk in case we have to cancel due to the weather conditions.
Questions? If you have questions about our walks program, you can email us at castlemaine@birdlife.org.au, or call / text Judy Hopley (0425 768 559) or Asha Bannon (0418 428 721).
2020 Bird Walks Program
Details of our 2020 Bird Walks are shown in the ‘Calendar’ section at the bottom of this eNews. Location information and meeting up instructions will be provided via the monthly eNews sent out the weekend prior to each walk. Please note that occasionally we may need to change the location of a walk due to weather or other factors.
All levels of experience are welcome – we’re a friendly bunch and the walks are a great chance to learn from and have fun with fellow birdwatchers.
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We now have a BirdLife Castlemaine District Facebook page. Follow us for all the latest bird news and events.
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Membership of BirdLife Australia is a great way to support a bright future for Australia’s birds. Learn more about membership or other ways to get involved here.
Kind regards,
The BirdLife Castlemaine Committee
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