Aussie Bird Count

Meet Sam Cotton: your 2023 Aussie Bird Count ambassador

Friday, 13 October 2023

  • Estimated reading time 2min

How will Aussie Bird Count ambassador, Sam Cotton, count? 

We are thrilled to introduce Sam Cotton as our ambassador for this year’s Aussie Bird Count.

Sam is a writer, actor, and animator. He loves hot chips, music, art, and birds of course. Known for bringing joy to our phone screens through his animations, including his beloved seagull friends ‘chippy chasers,’ we are thrilled to welcome Sam Cotton back for his second year as an Aussie Bird Count Ambassador.

So how will Sam be counting birds this year?

‘With a coffee and some binoculars,’ he says, and he has this advice for you if it’s your first-ever count! ‘Have fun and get your family and mates involved. It’s not only a great way to take in nature, but it’s also a great way to support Aussie birds.’

Join our friend Sam in the Aussie Bird Count this year and register as a counter.

Read our Q&A with Sam Cotton below

What’s your favourite thing about the Aussie Bird Count and BirdLife Australia?
I love how Birdlife prioritises the conservation of Australian birds and celebrates the vibrant and unique birds that we have in this country. The Bird Count is an important and enjoyable event that helps support and protect our birds.

Why birds?
Birds give me so much joy on a regular basis, so I want to support them any way I can.

How many years have you been involved with the Aussie Bird Count?
This will be my second year and I hope to be involved for many years to come.

How do you like to count birds during the Aussie Bird Count?
With a coffee and some binoculars.

What’s your favourite bird?
I have a strong connection with the seagull because hot chips are also my favourite food, so they’re up there, but I also love Kookaburras and Fairy-wrens.

What is your earliest bird memory?
I remember while running a race in primary school I got swooped by a magpie. It helped me speed up and go from 6th to 2nd place.

When it comes to identifying birds, would you say you are a beginner, intermediate or advanced birder?
I’d probably say beginner. There is so much to learn!

How often do you take time out of your busy schedule to get back to nature, and enjoy birding?
Every day. I go on walks especially just to have a squiz at what birds are knocking about.

What are you looking forward to the most about the Aussie Bird Count?
Just learning more about the birds in my area and really stopping to take in how truly amazing they are.

What advice do you have for someone doing their first Aussie Bird Count?
Have fun and get your family and mates involved. It’s not only a great way to take in nature but it’s a great way to support Aussie birds.

Join our friend Sam in the Aussie Bird Count this year and register as a counter.