The Australian Shorebird Monitoring Project provides vital information on shorebird declines in Australia and the factors that may cause them. The database comprises the most complete shorebird count data available in Australia and helps to uncover significant population changes over the long term.
To conserve shorebirds, it is critical that we understand the factors that affect their populations. Continued monitoring is necessary to inform the best management practices to maintain shorebird populations in Australia.
Shorebirds are among the most threatened group of birds in the world. The destruction of tidal ecosystems globally and increasing human disturbance are major factors contributing to shorebird population declines, with some populations exhibiting losses of over 80% since the 1980s, at a rate of up to 8% per year.
To combat these declines, BirdLife Australia is helping secure a brighter future for these remarkable birds, leading the national shorebird population monitoring in Australia and educating stakeholders, gathering information on how and why shorebird populations are changing, and working with communities to raise awareness of migratory shorebirds and their habitats in our region and elsewhere along the East Asian–Australasian Flyway.
To conserve populations of migratory shorebirds, we are working to:
As a destination for many species of migratory shorebirds, Australia is well placed to uncover significant population changes by implementing this comprehensive monitoring project.
It is important to understand the factors that are impacting shorebird populations and assess the impacts that different human activities are having throughout the Flyway.
Volunteers play a crucial and major part in the project, with over 1600 people assisting around the country. Without assistance from volunteers, the project would not be possible.
Find out more about volunteering for this project.
Help maintain Australian shorebird populations. Get involved with the National Shorebird Monitoring project by becoming a volunteer today.
Located on the pristine shores of Roebuck Bay in northern WA, the Broome Bird Observatory (BBO) is a must-visit for any bird lover.
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