Program: Emergency Interventions

Saving the Western Ground Parrot

Ravaged by bushfires and introduced predators, the Critically Endangered Western Ground Parrot, or Kyloring, is one of Australia's rarest birds, with between 100 and 150 left in the wild. Working in partnership, this project is delivering vital support to save them from extinction.

The Critically Endangered Western Ground Parrot, or Kyloring, is an elusive bird, restricted to coastal heathland in southern Western Australia. Estimates suggest between 100 and 150 wild birds survive.

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Related information

Bushfire recovery

The 2019–20 bushfire season, known as ‘Black Summer’, was catastrophic for Australian birds and their habitats. BirdLife Australia’s Bushfire Recovery Program aims to improve conservation outcomes for birds most imperiled by the fires.

Donate today to help save our special Western Ground Parrot

Tragically, very few of these beautiful birds now remain – the estimated wild population is just 100 mature individuals. Over 80% of the Kyloring (Western Ground Parrot) population has been lost to fires since 2009. Their population is rapidly declining and they are at risk of disappearing forever.

Western Ground Parrot

The 'Critically Endangered' Western Ground Parrot or Kyloring is relatively small and elusive, restricted to coastal heathland in southern Western Australia.