Program: Beach-nesting Birds

Threatened Small Terns

Small terns depend on both the marine and coastal terrestrial environment, foraging out at sea and roosting and nesting on nearby shores. Our smallest terns, the Little and Fairy Terns, are both vulnerable to extinction.

Populations of Fairy and Little Terns are experiencing major declines across south-eastern Australia. Because of human activities and introduced species, large breeding colonies are scarce and many historical breeding sites are now deserted.

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Related information

Protecting birds on the beach​

Small changes in behaviour can help people and beach-nesting birds live together in harmony. Follow these 6 simple steps to become a bird-friendly beachgoer.

Help protect migratory shorebirds and the places they need

Crucial coastal and wetland habitat is being destroyed – and migratory shorebird populations are declining rapidly. Your urgent donation will help give our migratory shorebirds safe homes to rest and feed.

Thanks for signing our petition for strong nature laws!

By adding your voice, you are helping show the Federal Government that Australians want to see our beloved birds and nature protected.