
Outing to Bittern Reservoir, Tuerong

  • Date Wednesday, 10 September 2025
  • Time 9:30 am
  • Locations Bittern Reservoir, Tuerong


Join BirdLife Mornington Peninsula and outing leader Neil Shelley (0438-557-178) for a Wednesday outing to Bittern Reservoir, Tuerong


Formed tracks

Crimson Rosella

Scientific name Platycercus elegans

Bird group Parrots

Colorful rosella with blue cheek patches and highly variable plumage, occuring in crimson, yellow, and orange forms. Note diagnostic blue cheek regardless of form (the Green Rosella of Tasmania also has blue cheeks but the two species’ ranges do not normally overlap). Juvenile much greener than adult, attaining a blotched mixed plumage as they transition to adult. Found in a wide range of habitats in southeastern Australia. In many locations it is accustomed to humans and can be quite tame. Contact call is a familiar two-toned whistle. (eBird)

Getting There

Meet at 9:30am in car park in Hodgins Road, access from Derril or Coolart roads

Melway map 153 reference B9