
Regent Honeyeater

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Habitat: Woodland, Forest


The Regent Honeyeater is found in eucalypt forests and woodlands. It can be seen in blossoming trees and mistletoe and sometimes in orchards and urban gardens.

Plants associated with this species:

  • Box-ironbark eucalypt forests
  • Wet lowland coastal forest dominated by Swamp Mahogany Eucalyptus robusta or Spotted Gum E. maculata.


The Regent honeyeater forages in flowers or foliage, but sometimes comes down to the ground to bathe in puddles or pools. They are strongly nomadic, following blossoming trees.


The Regent Honeyeater feeds mainly on nectar and other plant sugars. They can also feed on insects and spiders, as well as native and cultivated fruits.


The Regent Honeyeater breeds in pairs or, sometimes, in loose colonies, with the female incubating 2–3 eggs and both sexes feeding the young. The breeding season is from August to January. The cup-shaped nest is thickly constructed from bark, lined with soft material, and is placed in a tree fork 1–20 m from the ground.