
Woodland Birds

Woodland bird populations are declining rapidly, with more than 40 species at risk of extinction. The Woodland Birds Program aims to stop and reverse this trend before it's too late.

The Woodland Birds Program aims to enhance the conservation of all threatened and declining woodland species. We do this through either single-species recovery work (e.g. Swift Parrot, Regent Honeyeater and Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo recovery projects) or multi-species projects like Birds on Farms.

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Related information

Birds on Farms surveys

Volunteer to undertake surveys on an allocated rural property once every 3 months, and share your bird skills with landholders.

Protect Swift Parrots Forever

Swift Parrots are one of the only parrots in the world that migrates every year, making the long journey from Tasmania to mainland Australia in search of flowering gum trees. Yet, bushfires and continued native forest logging threaten this incredible bird's existence.

Swift Parrot

The Critically Endangered Swift Parrot is one of just three migratory parrots on earth, breeding in Tasmania before migrating across Bass Strait to the mainland