
Toondah Harbour: Save the Bay

Together, we saved Toondah Harbour. We won this battle because of the sustained pressure and opposition from everyday Australians. But this is just the start!

CR Critically Endangered (CR)

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Together, we saved Toondah Harbour, and together, we can save all the birds you love and the places they live!

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all those who have worked tirelessly towards this outcome. With a huge shout out to the Save Toondah Alliance, the local leaders driving this people powered campaign. And to everyday Australians who took actions to save Toondah’s wetlands and the diverse species of birds which live there.


We won! But this is just the start.

We will continue to support the Save Toondah Alliance as they advocate that the Queensland Government amend the state policies that created this issue to begin with.

But our focus now must turn to fixing Australia’s broken nature laws so that special bird havens like Moreton Bay’s Toondah Harbour are protected forever. Ten years of fighting for Toondah Harbour have shown us that the current Ministerial powers enable a way around the law. Allowing exemptions will not stop extinctions. This is a call to action for all of us, to continue our efforts and ensure the protection of our precious natural resources.


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Resources, Actions & Facts


Media release Walker walks away, Toondah Harbour is saved!

BirdLife Australia are celebrating the news that an immensely irresponsible real-estate proposal which threatened critical habitat for migratory birds has been

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Read the Guardian's coverage on Toondah Harbour

Developer withdraws from controversial Toondah Harbour project

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Watch ABC 4 Corners

Watch the ABC 4 Corners 'Extinction Nation' program which detailed the Toondah Harbour development proposal and its impacts on threatened shorebirds.

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Migratory Shorebirds

Australia's migratory shorebirds are incredible, many flying to and from the Northern Hemisphere every year. But sadly, because of the destruction of their habitats, hunting, and disturbance, their numbers have declined greatly.

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Far Eastern Curlew

Far Eastern Curlews are the largest of the world’s shorebirds, and are 'Critically Endangered'. With an impressive long bill

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