Join BirdLife Mornington Peninsula and outing leader Denis Goss (0419-921-249) for a Sunday outing to Olivers Creek Bushland Reserve, Tyabb
Easy walk on formed gravel tracks
Scientific name – Petroica phoenicea
Bird group – Small insect eating birds
Large Australian robin. Male slaty gray above, with gray head and chin and small white spot above the bill. Breast and belly a bright orange-red. Black upperwing shows extensive white panels. Female brown above, paler brown below; darker wing with pale panels. In Tasmania, similar female Dusky Robin lacks pale wing panels. Forages in small flocks on the ground in farmland, grasslands, parks, and other open habitats in southeastern Australia and Tasmania. (eBird)
Meet at 9:30am inside reserve gate (190 Mornington-Tyabb Rd next to Tyabb Primary School). Parking is available on Service Road beside the Primary School or inside the reserve (entry gate on Morningtonton-Tyabb Road just West of Primary School)
Melway map 148 reference B10