
CEO Kate Millar Advocates for Stronger Nature Laws at Senate

Tuesday, 30 July 2024

  • Estimated reading time 2 min

BirdLife Australia’s CEO, Kate Millar, stood alongside CEOs from the Places You Love alliance at a Senate committee hearing on Friday, 26th July. They spoke out against the Federal Government’s proposed new laws, highlighting the concerns of everyday Australians and conservation experts. Here’s the crux of the issue: These proposed laws fail to even define what ‘Nature Positive’ truly means.

As Kate stated, “The current bill is inadequate because it fails to clarify what the intent of Nature Positive is. It’s about reversing decline and putting nature and threatened species on a path to recovery.”

“The definition currently on the table misses the mark entirely. Our proposed amendments are not only reasonable but also necessary to ensure that Australia meets its international obligations and joins global efforts to adopt nature-positive policies.”

Why does a Nature Positive definition matter so much?

One in six native Australian birds is currently at risk of extinction. The Threatened Bird Index reveals a shocking 60% decline in these populations over the last 40 years, a direct result of Australia’s failing environmental laws.

“The trajectory is unmistakable. Nature Positive is about halting new extinctions and initiating recovery efforts. The current definition doesn’t come close to addressing these urgent needs.”

Watch Kate deliver her compelling testimony to the Senators below (Kate begins speaking at 0:30):

Watch the full live stream, including Kate and other Places You Love Alliance CEOs here.

You can take action: sign our petition for strong nature laws, that actually protect Australia’s nature.