
More Black Swans killed in Tasmania

Tuesday, 29 November 2022

  • Estimated reading time 5min

Permits allow Tasmanians to kill native wildlife

‘Property Protection Permits’ — Tasmania’s loophole which allows people to kill native wildlife — has reared its ugly head again.

It was recently revealed that a permit which will allow shooters to kill up to 200 Black Swans in Tasmania’s Central Highlands was approved by the state’s Department of Natural Resources and Environment.

So far, under the permit, about 70 swans — both adult birds and cygnets — have been legally killed around London Lake, with many more in the cross-hairs. The reason? The birds have been blamed for fouling waters inhabited by introduced stocks of trout.

More culls are planned for the coming weeks, as the breeding season continues.

“Another permit to cull black swans is just a sad indictment of the fact that we just don’t value our wildlife,” said Dr Eric Woehler, Convenor of BirdLife Tasmania. “It shows a complete lack of respect for our native wildlife.”

“It’s just unacceptable.”

A pair of Black Swans in flight
A pair of Black Swans in flight. Photographed by: Andrew Silcocks

More than 8,000 swans were culled in Tasmania between 2015 and 2018, and thousands more have been killed under permit in the years since. Indeed, since 2019, nearly 3000 Australian Wood Ducks and 1800 Cape Barren Geese have also been killed in Tasmania, as have more than 14,000 Sulphur-crested Cockatoos, over 2500 Tasmanian Native-hens, 340 Green Rosellas and 560 Silvereyes. Also included in the list of birds killed legally under permit are Yellow-tailed Black-Cockatoos, Kelp Gulls, Black and Grey Currawongs and Yellow Wattlebirds.