Program: Urban Birds

Powerful Owl Project

Australia's largest owl, the Powerful Owl has a wingspan of up to 140 cm. In suburban Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane, they're usually seen round remnant bushland, where they face issues including lack of nesting sites and collisions with cars and windows. We're securing a future for Powerful Owl

It’s hard to survive in the suburbs. Powerful Owls need ancient trees to nest in, and they roost during the day among dense leaves, but these trees are in short supply.

Related information

Powerful Owl

The largest of Australia’s owls, the Powerful Owl usually inhabits the moist forests of eastern Australia. Its main item of prey is possums of various species.

Powerful Owl Project Volunteers

The Powerful Owl Project is a part of BirdLife Australia's Urban Birds Program. Volunteers keep an eye on urban Powerful Owls in Greater Sydney or Queensland.