Join BirdLife Mornington Peninsula and outing leader Roger Richards (0419-384-636) for a Sunday outing to Coolart Wetlands & Homestead, Somers
Please bring a plate of food for sharing with everyone after the walk.
A reminder too that you will need a chair, cutlery, glass and empty plate.
Outing on formed tracks
Scientific name Alisterus scapularis
Bird group Parrots
A heavy-set and colorful forest parrot of eastern Australian woodlands, forests, and gardens. Male has entirely orange-red head/chest/belly, female has bright orange-red belly, immature is emerald green. Feeds on fruiting trees and often comes to gardens and feeders. Makes a loud piercing metallic “squeak” like a forced metal hinge. (eBird)
Meet at 9:30am at on the far right side of the car park, 40 Lord Somers Road, Somers.
Melway map 193 reference H9