Help save birds and places you love, by reminding your Federal Senators of the birds they love!
Ask your Federal Senators about their favourite Aussie birds in three easy steps:
If your Senators replies, don’t forget to let us know via
Help us give birds from every State and Territory a voice in Parliament! Email your Senators about their favourite bird, today!
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So email your Senators about the Aussie bird they love most, today!
Don’t forget to let us know what they say!
Login or create a Birdata account, to find the birds in your State or Territory.
1. Go to the Birdata website.
Existing users
New users
2. Once you are logged in, select ‘EXPLORE DATA‘:
3. Click on the white field next to ‘Area Layer‘ in the left hand side panel, and select ‘States & Territories’
4. Click on the white field next to ‘Area‘ in the left hand side panel, and select the name of your state (highlighted in grey)
Result: The list of bird species will appear on the right hand side. You can use the scroll bar on the right to view all species.
Join our campaign calling for the Federal Government to deliver strong nature laws and save our threatened birds from extinction.
Help secure strong new nature laws for Australia, by reminding your MP of the local birds they love!
Calling your MP and Senator's electorate office is a quick, easy and effective way to engage them and help secure strong new nature laws to protect the birds you love.